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750 Ti Sli Hack

750 Ti Sli Hack Rating: 6,7/10 4312 reviews
  1. Geforce Gtx 750 Ti Sli

Look at it this way, in SLI you are not going to get 2x the performance, in most cases its 1.7 or 1.5 so for a solid card like the 760 there is a noticeable difference when you get the extra 50% but with the 750/ti SLI will feel like less of an increase because of the lower baseline. How to Increase the GeForce GTX 750 Ti Power Target Limit 22 Feb 2014. Nvidia is advertising their new GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPUs based on the new more power efficient. Sorry i cant find on search. Btw which one is better? Should i get 2 GTX 750 ti for sli or just single GTX 770? I heard alot of people said that not most ga.

750 ti sli review

Geforce Gtx 750 Ti Sli

I cant decide whether or not I should just SLI the gtx 760 or if the GTX 750 ti dedicated would be a better purchase.
I am trying to see improvement in mainly borderlands 2. I keep getting fps drops hitting around 26 with max everything. I managed to overclock it a bit and keep those numbers about 28-30 fps(during peak fighting)
the annoying part is the fps ms goes from 16 to about 30 in the fights. Id like to see that stabilized as well.
Would the dedicated physx card keep my fps and fps m/s stable above 40 or 50 or would i need to sli up?
my build
fx-8350 amd
mobo-crosshair v formula z
8 gb ram
gtx 760 4gb oc
1200w psu
Thanks for advice
oke, I now what you guys are all thinking:
'ugh...You can't SLI 2 gtx 750ti...There is no sli bridge etz'
BUTTTT, I have seen multiple videos on youtube were they have done it.
It may be a other way then usual, they still have done it.
So my question is right now, how do I do that?
I am planning to upgrade to a gtx 1060 and really, 2 gtx 750ti for gaming doesnt really make sense but I also run a tech paper in my town with a friend. We are out of ideas and if this works, we can benchmark and review it.
I have no idea how to do it so if anyone can send a link to a video or explain it, thank you.
Many people seem to think that is it not possible, I almost agree
here are the links to the video i saw.
and this one: