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Mousepad Map Hack 1.10

Mousepad Map Hack 1.10 Rating: 8,5/10 2054 reviews
  1. Diablo 2 Maphack V1.14

Download Diablo II Client + MapHack + AutoTeleport + Glide. Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Gix, Feb 12, 2014. Thread Status. Diablo II BH Map Hack. MousePad Maphack 6.3 finally the real crack RELEASED Why pay for mousepad 6.3 maphack when you can use it for free! Works only for diablo 2 lod 1.10.

Mousepad's Diablo II Maphack

Version 6.0b for Diablo II & Diablo II LOD v1.10


Maphack is a realm and single player hack for Diablo II and Diablo II LOD that adds many useful extra features.
Features :-
Reveal automap for whole act, including quest features, many shrines and cave/stairway level names.
Show all shrines on automap sooner than normal, each type with different graphics.
Full screen light radius, full infravision (see through walls) and sunny weather.
Show monsters, selected items, unopened chests and hostile arrows/bolts on automap.
Show special monsters and hostile players different colour on automap.
Show monster enchantments, auras and immunities on automap.
Change colour or hide selected items on ground.
Hide selected monster and missiles corpses.
Show rune numbers and number of sockets on items.
Virtual map scrolling, allowing casting or shooting at huge ranges.
Disable unwanted monster death animinations (eg shenk).
Change monster life bar colour.
Protect socketed items from accidental socketing.
Show if cow king killed in quest log.
View other players, iron golems, valkyries and shadow warriors/masters equipment.
Item and druid drop hack protection.
Automatic exit game on low life and/or hostility.
Many settings configurable.
Files included :-
D2MAPHACK.EXE - Maphack dll loader, run this.
D2MAPHACK.DLL - Maphack dll.
D2MAPHACK.CFG - Configuration file (editable).
D2MAPHACK.VCB - Vocabulary file for configuration (editable).
README.HTML - This file.
SHRINES.TXT - List of shrine numbers.
BLOB*.BMP - Automap blob images (editable).
SHRINE*.BMP - Automap shrine images (editable).
MINISHRINE*.BMP - Automap minishrine images (editable).


Installation :-
1. Extract all files from D2MAPHACK.ZIP to any folder (you only have to do this once).
2. Run Diablo II.
3. Alt+tab out of Diablo II.
5. Click on 'Install/update'.
6. Alt+tab back to Diablo II and play.
Default keys in game (on numpad) :-
'-' - Reveal automap for whole act.
'*' - Toggle full screen light radius, full infravision and sunny weather.
'/' - Toggle show monsters on automap.
'+' - Toggle show hidden items.
Scroll lock - Toggle virtual map scrolling.
Pause/Break - Center virtual map.

I get the error 'Diablo II not loaded'.

Maphack has to be run each time you play, run Diablo II, alt-tab out, run and install maphack then alt-tab back to Diablo II.

I get the error 'D2MAPHACK.DLL not found'.

The file D2MAPHACK.DLL is missing, possible causes are :-
1. You ran maphack directly from the zip file, that doesn't work anymore.
2. You didn't extract all the files from the zip.
3. You moved the files after extracting and missed the dll because by default windows hides system files.

I get the error 'Unknown game version'.

Either your using an out of date version, Diablo II was just updated or another installed hack clashes with maphack. No solution.

I can't get maphack to work with d2loader.

Run maphack as a plugin by copying all the maphack files to your d2loader plugin folder and restart d2loader. Note if it can't be installed you won't see any error messages.

When I click on install nothing appears to happen.

That means its successfully installed, now play Diablo II.

Monsters don't show up on automap and pressing the toggle show monsters key has no effect.

Press F11 (default show party on automap toggle).

Monsters immunitys don't show up on automap.

Press F12 (default show names on automap toggle).

How can I use maphack without a numpad?

Change the following lines in D2MAPHACK.CFG file to use keys 0987 :-
Reveal Act Automap Key: 0x30
Visuals Toggle: 1, 0x39
Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, 0x38
Hidden Items Toggle: 1, 0x37

How do I view another players equipment?

Diablo 2 Maphack V1.14

Hover cursor over a player so you see their name and press view equipment key (default '0').

After installing maphack I can't interact with NPCs/stash/waypoints/etc.

You have 'Perm Show Items Toggle' on, probably from using MHC defaults.

Whats this red X on top left of act 1 quest log?

That just means you have killed cow king.

How do I completely uninstall maphack?

Exit Diablo II then delete maphack files.

Can blizzard detect maphack usage and delete my account/ban my cd key?

Qualified no, the follow could be in theory be detected :-
Repeatedly casting over large distances using scroll lock.
Repeatedly casting spells at targets through walls using infravision (before v4.7d).
Repeatedly casting iron golem on ground next to a hidden suitable item (before v4.7d).

Are you going to make a version of maphack for the mac?

No, I don't have a mac or the necessary experience.

I downloaded a version from a dubious site and it doesnt work and/or my account has been stolen.

Don't mail me, remove subseven/netdevil (optional).

I mailed you about a problem mentioned above and haven't got a reply.

Read this FAQ again.

Basic variable format :-
Variable Name[1st array indexes][2nd array indexes][etc]: values

Notes :-
Any part of line can be replaced with an appropriate 'word' from D2MAPHACK.VCB (vocabulary file).
Variables have 0 to 4 array dimensions, omiting an array is same as specifying 1+ (all).
Array indexes are a comma seperated list of either a single number, a range seperated by a dash or a number followed by a plus (to limit of array).
Values are a comma seperated list of 1 to 2 numbers (hex or decimal) or strings, missing values are unchanged.
Variables can be used more than once, with the last overiding (if array indexes permit).

Maphack 1.14
Variables Arrays Values Examples
Reveal Act Automap Key
Reveal Level Automap Key
Center Map Scroll Key
Quick Exit Game Key
View Equipment Key
- Key code Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT
Quick Exit Game Key: -1
Full Visuals Toggle
Weather Toggle
Infravision Toggle
Light Radius Toggle
Screen Shake Toggle
Hidden Corpses Toggle
Automap Monsters Toggle
Automap Level Names Toggle
Automap Chests Toggle
Automap Items Toggle
Automap Missiles Toggle
Automap Active Rooms Toggle
Hidden Items Toggle
Scroll Map Toggle
Automap Screen Area Toggle
Monster TC Toggle
Monster Levels Toggle
Game Time Toggle
Drop Protect Toggle
Input Line Toggle
Out Town Select Toggle
Mini Shrines Toggle
Diagonal Scroll Toggle
Chicken Life Toggle
Chicken Hostile Toggle
Chicken Hostile Nearby Toggle
Socket Protect Toggle
Rune Numbers Toggle
Socket Numbers Toggle
Item Levels Toggle
Unit Numbers Toggle
- Default, Key code Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_ADD
Game Time Toggle: 1, -1
Automap Party Default
Automap Names Default
- Flag Automap Party Default: 1
Level Name Colour
Quest Item Colour
Monster Desc Colour
- Text colour Level Name Colour: White
Staff Tomb Level Desc
Extra Strong Desc
Extra Fast Desc
Cursed Desc
Magic Resistant Desc
Fire Enchanted Desc
Champion Desc
Lightning Enchanted Desc
Cold Enchanted Desc
Thief Desc
Mana Burn Desc
Teleportation Desc
Spectral Hit Desc
Stone Skin Desc
Multiple Shots Desc
Ghostly Desc
Fanatic Desc
Possessed Desc
Berserker Desc
Might Aura Desc
Holy Fire Aura Desc
Blessed Aim Aura Desc
Holy Freeze Aura Desc
Holy Shock Aura Desc
Conviction Aura Desc
Fanaticism Aura Desc
Physical Immunity Desc
Magic Immunity Desc
Fire Immunity Desc
Lightning Immunity Desc
Cold Immunity Desc
Poison Immunity Desc
- String Staff Tomb Level Desc: ' <-HERE'
Lightning Enchanted Desc: '%9L'
Map Scroll Speed
Life Bar Transparency
Chicken Life
Chicken Hostile Life
Chicken Hostile Nearby Life
Good Gold Number
- Number Map Scroll Speed: 16
Life Bar Colour
- Pallete colour Life Bar Colour: 0x62
Player Blob File
Monster Blob File
Object Blob File
Missile Blob File
Item Blob File
- Filename Monster Blob File: 'blobdiamond'
Automap Active Rooms Colour
Automap Screen Area Colour
Closed Chest Colour
Locked Chest Colour
Hostile Missile Colour
Guided Missile Colour
Tracer Missile Colour
Other Missile Colour
Normal Monster Colour
Boss Monster Colour
Minion Monster Colour
Champion Monster Colour
Act5 Barbarian Colour
Neutral Player Colour
Hostile Player Colour
Normal Corpse Colour
Boss Corpse Colour
Minion Corpse Colour
Champion Corpse Colour
- Automap colour Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
Missile Colours Missile Automap Colour Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
Missile Corpses Missile Flag Missile Corpses[Vine Beast Death]: 0
Good Gold Colour
Poor Gold Colour
- Text colour, Automap colour Poor Gold Colour: -1, -2
Item Colours Item, Quality, Ethereal Text colour, Automap colour Item Colours[Ear]: -1, -2
Item Colours[Shako][Unique]: 11, 0x20
Item Colours[Sabre][Set][Ethereal]: -1, -2
Charm Colours
Rune Colours
Rejuv Pot Colours
Healing Pot Colours
Mana Pot Colours
Gem Colours
Amethyst Colours
Topaz Colours
Sapphire Colours
Emerald Colours
Ruby Colours
Diamond Colours
Skull Colours
Number Text colour, Automap colour Rune Colours[10+]: 11, 0x80
Gem Colours[Chipped]: Orange
Monster Colours
Monster Corpse Colours
Monster Automap Colour Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll]: 0x20
Monster Death Anims
Monster Corpses
Monster Flag Monster Death Anims[Shenk]: 0
Monster Corpses[Wake of Fire-Death Sentry]: 0
Pallete/Automap colours
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Number = 0x<row><column> or
(monsters) -1 show on automap, -2 hide on automap
(items) -1 hide on automap, -2 hide on automap and ground
(missiles) -1 hide on automap, -2 show tracer/hostile/guided on automap
Text colours
Number Colour
-1 Default
Gold 2

Fixed shift slow down bug.
Added auto replacing of .CFG/.VCB/.KEY files with .TXT versions if file exists and is modified later (ie it fixes any files saved with .TXT on end).
Added make keyfile option to cd-key hash generator.
Added tolerence for invalid chars in keyfile, eg spaces/newlines.
Added manualy enter cd-key option to cd-key hash generator.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.10.
Added toggle to disable right click swap (Right Click Swap Toggle).
Moved D2MESSAGES.LOG to maphack directory.
Added anti-detection code for all know methods of detection.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.10s beta.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.10 beta.
Added chat logging and colour messages filter toggle (Message Filter Toggle).
Added new values for item automap colour, -4 hide if value < Hidden Item Value, -5 allways hide.
Added shortcut (right click) to drop item in hand at free space on opposite side of screen (try it and see).
Fixed 4.7j incompatibility when loaded as d2loader plugin.
Added show item sell value minimum (Item Value Minimum).
Fixed config bug of ignoring rest of indexes when using '+'.
Added debug feature to log processed vocab and config files to D2MAPHACK.DBG (need to create DBG file to enable).
Removed blacklist.
Improved socket protection so it can't be detected (now blocks instead of swapping).
Added option to show item sell value.
Added pre/post strings for ethereal items.
Added join game name defaults to last game entered.
Added logging of in game messages to D2MESSAGES.LOG (defaults to off).
Added tppk protection (defaults to off), note this is NOT infallible.
Improved doublethrow drop hack protection.
Added doublethrow drop hack protection.
Fixed gold number colouring bug.
Fixed broken mods 'ptWarp' warning.
Fixed hovering over player corpse when showing unitids crash.
Added show total merc magic find.
Restored perm show items feature.
Added extra dimension to item arrays for sockets.
Added perm show life/mana orbs toggle (Perm Show Orbs Toggle).
Added new value for items automap colour, -3 don't show item on ground if level below Hidden Items Level.
Renamed view inventory key to view equipment key.
Removed perm show items feature.
Blocked attempts to pick up items when viewing others inventory.
Added in game clock.
Fixed broken ethereal items colour feature/bug.
Added show total magic find on char screen.
Fixed chicken out bug.
Added potion drop hack protection.
Added configurable show monster corpses on automap.
Added show item socketables (gems etc) and toggle (defaults to '9').
Fixed random pickup items crash.
New input line now defaults to off.
Fixed item drop hack protection merging arrows/bolts bug.
Fixed random config dealloc crash when removing.
Fixed infravision casting on targets through walls and iron golem on hidden item bugs, see FAQ.
Added option to show monsters level.
Split visuals toggle into weather, infravision, light radius, screen shake and corpse toggles.
Replaced nearby hostile toggle with chicken nearby hostile life and toggle (see config).
Added other missile colour setting.
Added out of town select toggle.
Improved item drop hack protection.
Added option to show active rooms on automap.
Replaced chat input line with edit control (allows cut/paste etc).
Added waypoint bmp.
Added options to show item ilvls and unitids.
Fixed some word clashes in vocab file.
Fixed guided arrow firing at minions/neutrals illusion.
Fixed view golem without inventory crash.
Fixed nearby unit skills on minions/neutrals.
Added message when chickening out.
Fixed random treasureclass list init crash when entering game.
Allowed selection of players anywhere (for view inventory).
Added view inventory of iron golems, valkyries, shadow warriors/masters.
Redesigned chicken config variables (see config).
Added arrays for hide monster and missile corpses with defaults to hide dead vines and traps.
Added ignore spelling of colour/color in config.
Fixed TFW mod crash.
Added time in game display.
Added tracer missile colour.
Added druid drop hack protection.
Added exit game on low life and/or hostility (0 don't quit, 1 quit if hostile nearby, 2 just quit) options.
Improved item drop hack protection.
Set default view inventory key to '0'.
Added automatic deny trading while viewing inventory.
Added item drop hack protection.
Added show other players inventory key (hover over and press).
Added perm show item names on ground toggle.
Added array for automap missile colours (-1 don't show, -2 show hostile/guided etc).
Fixed shrine graphics alignment with large shrines on minimap and custom sized shrines.
Fixed glide and direct3d blob colour caching bug.
Added extra dimension to item arrays for ethereals.
Added option to show hostile/guided arrows/bolts on automap.
Added option to show monsters TC level.
Restuctured toggle/flag config variables.
Added toggle show hidden items, toggle show items on automap.
Added items/monsters/etc vocabulary file (see D2MAPHACK.VCB).
Added socket protection config option.
Added show if cow king killed on quest log.
Fixed numbering/colouring of extra runes in mods.
Fixed hirelings showing immunitys.
Changed format of shrine graphics to bmp.
Added 2nd quantity to item colours for automap colour (-1 don't show, -2 don't show item on ground).
Added extra dimension to item arrays for item qualitys.
Added configurable automap blob/cross shapes (bmp files).
Added unopened chests show on automap.
Added config var for default automap party/names.
Fixed toggle automap party bug.
Added exit game key.
Added champion monster descriptions.
Added array variable type (variable[numbers]: value).
Changed item colour variables to arrays (eg Rune Colours[1,3,11-14,20+]: 4).
Added array for monster colours (-1 default, -2 don't show).
Added array for show monster death animations.
Fixed config strings bug.
Added config string for correct tomb.
Added colours for rare/unique items.
Added fire shrine (provided by 'Carlo Q.N.').
Added correct tomb has a '*' next to level name.
Now uses new d2loader plugin format.
Fixed crash when using mods with missing levels.
Fixed loader problems.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.09d (changed 'c' to 'd').
Fixed problems with relocated dlls.
Added map scrolling speed setting.
Added disable diagonal map scrolling option.
Added trojan detection.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.09c.
Fixed hostile player colour bug.
Toggle visual effects now includes screen shaking.
Added virtual map scrolling.
Added option to disable shenk death animations.
Fixed glide and direct3d shrine graphics bug.
Fixed champion colour bug.
Added monster immunity and aura descriptions.
Added colour code shortcut ('%').
Rewritten as a DLL and now supports d2loader.
Can now be lauched before entering a game.
Added option to disable rune numbering.
Added seperate skull colour settings.
Added minimap shrines.
Added option to use large shrines on minimap.
Added number of sockets in item names.
Added special monster magical bonuses on automap.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.09.
Reveal automap now shows cave/stairs/doorway level names, toggleable with numpad '+'.
Reveal automap can predict some health, mana, combat, skill and stamina shrines.
Gems, healing pots, mana pots and rejuvs colour now configurable.
Boss, minion and champion monsters automap colour now seperately configurable.
Added graphics for refilling, health, mana (by me), portal, exploding and poison (by 'HariKariEd') shrines.
Reveal automap now shows undiscovered preset shrines (mostly in acts 1,2) with a question mark above.
Made config file easier to use.
Prevented toggle visuals from effecting runes, charms and life bar.
Fixed full light radius, it now overides all quest and skill FX.
Added a configuration file.
Reveal automap shows chests in fake tombs, and an X for staff orifice.
Made monsters life bar brighter.
Made runes unique coloured and numbered, charms purple.
Fixed paging crash on low spec machines.
Reveal automap shows chests, cs seals, act3 sewer lever and an X where izual starts.
Added a program icon.
Reveal automap shows act5 waypoints, quest features (cairn stones, tree of inifuss, tower tome, horadric malus, gibbin, lam esen's tome, ruined temple stairs, etc).
Removed act5 non monsters from automap.
Added barb allys as minions on automap.
Improved version test.
Removed mousepad whisper joke.
Updated for LOD.
Added sanity check when loading shrines.
Changed in game keys to '/','*','-' on numpad.
Fully updated for diablo 2 v1.08.
Reveal automap only update for diablo 2 v1.08.
Can handle graphics for all shrines, includes examples by 'Tidus'.
Added info page.
Fixed win2k compatibility problem.
Added graphics for gemshrines.
Special monsters different colour on automap.
Big speedup in act4 reveal automap.
Added advantage mod style features :-
Full screen light radius, full infravision and sunny weather (toggleable with '9').
Monsters show on automap (toggleable with '8').
Reveals entire acts automap by pressing '0' in game.

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Updates :- http://forward.to/mousepad