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Free Xaml Designer Tool

Free Xaml Designer Tool Rating: 6,1/10 8165 reviews

Is there a stand-alone visual (WYSIWYG) editor for WPF xaml files like the Visual Studio 2010 designer?

  1. Free Xaml Designer
  2. Install Xaml Designer

The VS2010 one crashes all the time and is very slow (there are lots of threads on XAML slowness in VS, but all the recommendations seem to point to editing the XML files with a text-based editor). I want a visual one as I'm very new to WPF and it would help me a lot.

Currently I have set gVim to open up .xaml files, but editing the raw XML file is not easy if you don't know all the possible options / elements / properties / attributes you have available.

Design environment: Aurora XAML Designer from Mobiform Software. This is a for-sale design environment for creation of user interfaces and graphic content for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) applications (a free trail is available). Extension for Visual Studio - XAML Styler is a visual studio extension, which formats XAML source code by sorting the attributes based on their importance. This tool can help you/your team maintain a better XAML coding style as well as a much better XAML readability.

Free Xaml Designer

I used to use Qt, and the Qt Designer application also edited XML files that specified how the UI is laid-out. It was a stand-alone application, and you never had to actually edit the XML content with a text-editor unless there was a bad problem.

Is there a WPF equivalent?


closed as off-topic by Martijn PietersAug 29 '18 at 15:42

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Install Xaml Designer

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3 Answers

Torbjörn HanssonTorbjörn Hansson

Try XAMLPad which is in the Windows SDK from Microsoft. KaXAML has not been updated in quite some time from what I can tell.

Office Googling, where a user copied a folder over from the old machine to the new which fixed it. So - could you check in C: Windows assembly if you have a file called Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook? I wouldn't suggest copying the whole folder, but we at least need to check one of the files. If so, which version do you have?


Telerik allows you to edit text in xaml as you want:http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#RichTextBox/TelerikEditor


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